Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Sustainability and risk management: beyond green IT

The CIO is a key player in the new sustainability initiatives that are popping up in enterprises across the country.

At large U.S. companies, preserving the environment has spread beyond the data center to encompass sustainability efforts across the corporation. These organizations are moving quickly to minimize negative environmental impacts in all facets of their businesses. But they're not just embracing corporate responsibility more tightly. They're after increased profits.

Mitigating environmental risks that in turn can affect long-term profitability and growth potential has become a mandate at enterprise-sized companies. In mid-July, the Sustainable Investment Research Analyst Network (SIRAN), a nonprofit organization made up of analysts whose firms are devoted to sustainability issues, reported that 86 of the 100 largest publicly traded U.S. companies now note their sustainability efforts in their annual reports.

SearchCIO article

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