Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Shifting IT business models in time of economic crisis

Adopting flexilbility as a key IT strategy gives CIOs like Peter Whatnell the ability to shift in changing market conditions.

ORLANDO, Fla. -- Peter Whatnell, CIO of Sunoco Inc., prepared three budgets for next
year. The first scenario lays out what IT would have proposed had the financial crash not occurred. The second is the plan if his budget stays flat. And the third? What a 20% reduction in budget would look like.

"In each case, we have said, 'This is what we deliver, this is what you would get for it, this is the consequence for stopping or reducing, and this is how much money you would save.' So, we're trying to be anticipatory with that," Whatnell said, in an interview with at the SIMposium 08 conference in Orlando this week.

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