Thursday, January 1, 2009

GoGrid response to cloud computing hype article

After a Michael Sheehan of GoGrid and I had a brief exchange on Twitter regarding Chuck Goolsbee's article on Cloud Computing hype, Michael wrote the following post in response to the article.

Well, I thought that I could get away with no more articles in 2008. I guess that I was mistaken. I just read a good article by Chuck Goolsbee on titled: “Don’t buy cloud computing hype: Business model will evaporate” and I figured that I would put in my 2 cents on some of the items mentioned within.

Goolsbee takes a very pragmatic approach to “slicing through” traditional datacenter hosting (using Occam’s razor to boot), so that he could evaluate each and every aspect of what is contained in a physical environment. To summarize (and I’m paraphrasing, hopefully accurately), he mentions:

GoGrid blog post

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