Monday, September 22, 2008

Raised Floor versus Solid Floor

There is an emerging trend away from raised floor in many large scale data centers. The cost of build out and maintenance for raised floor is driving many organizations to a solid floor data center environment.
Most data center equipment is now cooled from front to back, so cooling from the bottom is no longer needed. A number of different hot spot management techniques can be employed to solve the problem of density related heat.
What's your opinion of raised floor? We'd love to hear about it.


dskeans said...

As a manufacturer of overhead power distribution systems for data centers (StarLine); we have seen a substantial increase in the number of data centers that have abandoned traditional under floor cable based designs. The need for improved cooling efficiency, circuit management and reduced initial/lifecycle costs are driving the design changes. Although many of our customers no longer use raised floor, many still use them as means of airflow control.

Anonymous said...

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